Tree name
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'ft' : 'm' }}
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'in' : 'cm' }}
{{ tree.calculatedPoleHeight | meters }} {{ tree.calculatedPoleHeight | feet }} Tall
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'ft' : 'm' }}
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'in' : 'cm' }}
x Height
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'inches' : 'centimeters' }} to top light
{{ tree.unitOfMeasure == 'imperial' ? 'inches' : 'centimeters' }} after bottom light
lights per string
Scroll wheel to zoom...


{{ tree.topCircumference | meters }} {{ tree.topCircumference | feet }} around top circumference
{{ tree.bottomCircumference | meters }} {{ tree.bottomCircumference | feet }} around bottom circumference
{{ tree.topDiameter | meters }} {{ tree.topDiameter | feet }} wide at top
{{ tree.calculatedPoleHeight | meters }} {{ tree.calculatedPoleHeight | feet }} tall x {{ tree.bottomDiameter | meters }} {{ tree.bottomDiameter | feet }} wide at bottom
{{tree.ampsPerString}} amps per string
{{tree.totalAmps}} total amps
{{ tree.topHorizontalSpaceBetweenStrings | meters }} {{ tree.topHorizontalSpaceBetweenStrings | feet }} (top space between strings)
{{ tree.bottomHorizontalSpaceBetweenStrings | meters }} {{ tree.bottomHorizontalSpaceBetweenStrings | feet }} (bottom space between strings)
{{ tree.stringLength | meters }} {{ tree.stringLength | feet }} (string length)
{{ tree.numberOfStrings }} strings
{{tree.wattsPerString}} watts per string
{{tree.totalWatts}} total watts
{{tree.lightSpacing | feet}} between lights
{{tree.lightsPerString}} lights per string
{{tree.totalLights}} total lights